About Us

About Sexton Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

At Sexton Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, we are committed to delivering top-notch oral and maxillofacial care with a personal touch. Our team, led by Dr. Stephen Barrett Sexton, Dr. Scott A. Weiskopf, and Dr. Matt Russ, is dedicated to creating a comfortable and welcoming environment for our patients. We pride ourselves on using the latest technology and techniques to ensure the best possible outcomes. Located in Memphis, TN, we serve patients from Germantown, Arlington, and beyond, focusing on providing exceptional care and personalized attention to every individual who walks through our doors.

Dr Sexton had great bedside manner & explained the pending wisdom tooth extraction surgery. He was knowledgeable & friendly. He's a great dentist.

K.I. Google

My 15 YO son had all 4 wisdom teeth removed on 10/4/24. Dr. Sexton, Savannah, and Danielle were AMAZING! My son was a little nervous about the surgery, but Dr. Sexton and Savannah made the procedure like a calm relaxing nap. Dr. Sexton also called on day 2 after the surgery to make sure he was not having any pain and there was no complications. I HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend Sexton Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery for all of your oral surgery needs!

B.R. Google

DR Sexton is the best

M.E. Google

Exceptional experience. Dr. Sexton and assistants were remarkable. Virtually pain free and very slight tenderness. Above & beyond any dental experience I have incurred. Thank you Dr. Sexton and team.

T.D. Google

I have NEVER been anywhere like this before!!! This was my first visit & consultation with Dr Weiskopf for a tooth implant. Everyone was sooo friendly!! Dr Weiskopf was very sweet & informative!! Took his time to answer every question I asked. His assistant, Olivia, was just as nice & made sure I was comfortable with the X-rays she took! Jennifer, who I spoke to about insurance & cost of the procedure was very nice & also answered all of my questions & had even printed out an explanation of the cost for me. I just couldn’t believe how EVERYONE made me feel as if I had been going there forever!!!!

M.M. Google


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